Konversation på myspace
> Hello emma u pretty. how are u .,.. u look so good and relax m how are feelings in u , youw lets be friends.
(på hans profil står det "i love to meet someone for marriage!! but true love", Man 26 år, Gambia.)
>> If you look for a marriage with true love, maybe that's not a good way saying something to someone the first time
> profil became special for me when i saw it , thats why i talk like
lets be friends and knows eacdh other more ,,
how aRE U DOING ?
>> oh come on, I haven't done anything to my profile, the only thing that's personal is the pic. ^^ I'm doing really good thanks!
> emma , i will really like to know u more ...
ma name is bakary and u ?
am 26 years old and u ?
greetings from the gambia west afica ..
nice to meet u .....
>> haha, you just wrote my name yourself:P
I'm 18.
Hope you enjoy living in africa!
> yub is nice emma , u got a sweet name , i really enjoyes here the nature and beautiful sunshine ..
have u ever travelled to africa?
>> we have beautiful sunshine here too, it's the same sun actually ;)
No I haven't, guess it's nice
> yub emma i know u willk really like here , friendly pupils , sandy beaches ,
lovely resturants ..and nature parrks ..
many things that u never experiences in life ..
africa is nice ,..
do u have im ?
which type of music do u like best
what are the things that maks u happy ?
>> Sounds nice.
I'm kind of an "all-eater" when you talk about music. There's no bad music, only bad songs.
"do you have im?" you said. what?
> right fantasic sense of propose .
like wise , i like all kind of music ...
have u ever listen to african music like kora?
i ean do u haVE instant messeger on my space ?
so tthat we can chat ..
or yahoomessenger?.. we can share webcam ..to seeeac h other. emma ,dear , the whole is too but communication makes short
>> I don't know. And I don't have a webcam.
I'm going to sleep now. Bye!
Nästa dag:
> hey emma , ma dear , how are u today and the weather ?
is raining over here today , so warm ... what are u up to ?
greetings from the gambia........
Ja det är väl ingen tvekan? Let's move to Gambia and get married!
Eller nån som tycker nåt annat?^^
(på hans profil står det "i love to meet someone for marriage!! but true love", Man 26 år, Gambia.)
>> If you look for a marriage with true love, maybe that's not a good way saying something to someone the first time
> profil became special for me when i saw it , thats why i talk like
lets be friends and knows eacdh other more ,,
how aRE U DOING ?
>> oh come on, I haven't done anything to my profile, the only thing that's personal is the pic. ^^ I'm doing really good thanks!
> emma , i will really like to know u more ...
ma name is bakary and u ?
am 26 years old and u ?
greetings from the gambia west afica ..
nice to meet u .....
>> haha, you just wrote my name yourself:P
I'm 18.
Hope you enjoy living in africa!
> yub is nice emma , u got a sweet name , i really enjoyes here the nature and beautiful sunshine ..
have u ever travelled to africa?
>> we have beautiful sunshine here too, it's the same sun actually ;)
No I haven't, guess it's nice
> yub emma i know u willk really like here , friendly pupils , sandy beaches ,
lovely resturants ..and nature parrks ..
many things that u never experiences in life ..
africa is nice ,..
do u have im ?
which type of music do u like best
what are the things that maks u happy ?
>> Sounds nice.
I'm kind of an "all-eater" when you talk about music. There's no bad music, only bad songs.
"do you have im?" you said. what?
> right fantasic sense of propose .
like wise , i like all kind of music ...
have u ever listen to african music like kora?
i ean do u haVE instant messeger on my space ?
so tthat we can chat ..
or yahoomessenger?.. we can share webcam ..to seeeac h other. emma ,dear , the whole is too but communication makes short
>> I don't know. And I don't have a webcam.
I'm going to sleep now. Bye!
Nästa dag:
> hey emma , ma dear , how are u today and the weather ?
is raining over here today , so warm ... what are u up to ?
greetings from the gambia........
Ja det är väl ingen tvekan? Let's move to Gambia and get married!
Eller nån som tycker nåt annat?^^

Fan vad charmig ;) Jag röstar för giftermål jag! :D